
IV Cannula

An integral part of intravenous therapy, the IV cannula is inserted into the patient's hand to inject medication directly into the bloodstream or to withdraw body fluid.

IV Cannula Vs Safety IV cannula

Introduction An IV Cannula (Intravenous cannula) is a small plastic tube, inserted into a vein, usually in hand or arm to provide fluids when you are dehydrated, give a blood transfusion administer medications directly into your bloodstream. Some drugs work better this directly injected into our veins. These cannulas are available in various gauges (16–24 gauge), lengths (25–44 mm), compositions, and designs. IV Cannulas are used for Repeated blood sampling., IV transmission of fluid, medications, chemotherapeutic agents, nutritional support, blood/blood products, radiologic contrast agents for computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), or nuclear imaging. Need of Safety IV Cannula Since the cannula punctures the skin, there is always a risk of infection and developing complications such as hematoma, embolism and phlebitis. Healthcare providers must take precautions to prevent the same. According to the World Health Organization, close to 80% of all hospital...
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Some Insights into Intravenous Cannula (IV Cannula)

Intravenous Cannula is a cannula set inside a vein to give venous get to. Most patients need no less than one fringe intravenous cannula (PIVC) amid their healing center remain for IV liquids and pharmaceuticals, blood items or nourishment. Is the Cannula Working? At the point when an Intravenous Cannula is embedded, a flashback of blood in the chamber affirms it’s in the vein. Subsequently, the cannula area is evaluated by the stream of IV liquids (either by mixture pump or gravity) and additionally IV flushes (manual infusion). Flushing the Intravenous Cannula with 0.9% saline previously, then after the fact IV pharmaceuticals lessen admixture of solutions and reductions the danger of blockage. Intravenous Cannulas frequently end up plainly blocked, crimped or ousted, so ensure the cannula is as yet working each move. You can evaluate Intravenous Cannula work with two essential inquiries: Does the IV flush efficiently? Does the IV liquid stream effectively? Resistance or inability...

IV Cannula With BCT

Intravenous (IV) cannulas are medical devices used to provide venous access for the administration of medications, fluids, or blood products. These devices are essential in a variety of medical settings, from hospitals and emergency rooms to outpatient clinics and home healthcare. While IV cannulas have been around for decades, advances in technology have allowed for the development of new and improved versions of these devices, including IV cannulas with blood control technology. IV cannulas with blood control technology are designed to minimize the risk of blood exposure during insertion and removal. These devices incorporate features such as a safety shield or retractable needle, which helps to protect healthcare workers from needlestick injuries and bloodborne infections. Additionally, these IV cannulas are designed to reduce the amount of blood loss during insertion, which can be particularly important for patients with anemia or other conditions that affect blood volume. One t...

Η κάνουλα

Η κάνουλα είναι ένας λεπτός σωλήνας που οι γιατροί εισάγουν στην κοιλότητα του σώματος ενός ατόμου, όπως στη μύτη του, ή σε μια φλέβα. Χρησιμοποιείται για την αποστράγγιση υγρών, τη χορήγηση φαρμάκων ή την παροχή οξυγόνου. Ένα άτομο μπορεί να χρησιμοποιήσει ενδοφλέβιες και ρινικές κάνουλες τόσο στο νοσοκομείο όσο και στο σπίτι. Υπάρχουν δύο κύριοι τύποι σωληναρίων: Οι ενδοφλέβιες κάνουλες αποτελούνται από κοντούς, εύκαμπτους σωλήνες που οι γιατροί τοποθετούν σε μια φλέβα. Οι ρινικοί σωληνίσκοι αποτελούνται από εύκαμπτους σωλήνες που τοποθετούνται μέσα στη μύτη και παρέχουν οξυγόνο. Ο σκοπός της κάνουλας ποικίλλει ανάλογα με τον τύπο της. Σωλήνας ενδοφλέβιας χορήγησης Οι συνήθεις χρήσεις των ενδοφλέβιων σωληναρίων περιλαμβάνουν: μεταγγίσεις ή λήψεις αίματος χορήγηση φαρμάκων παροχή υγρών Ρινική κάνουλα Οι ρινικές κάνουλες παρέχουν σε ένα άτομο οξυγόνο. Μπορούν να είναι χρήσιμες εάν ένα άτομο αντιμετωπίζει δυσκολία στην αναπνοή. Σύμφωνα με τις υπηρεσίες αναπνευστικής φροντίδας...