I.V Cannula – The Step By Step Procedure Of Inserting The Cannula In Right Way

I.V Cannula

The intravenous insertion is generally defined to be a procedure where the vein is punctured through the skin of the cannula providing venous access.

To Whom Is IV Insertion Done?

IV Insertion of the cannula is generally done to those individuals who come under the following factors.

1.  Who are seriously ill

2.  The ones who have nothing per oreminspite a surgery or for any other reason.

3.  The ones with fluid and are having electrolyte disturbances.

How to Initiate the IV Insertion Cannula Therapy Further

1.  Before beginning with the entire process do make sure to check with the doctors, and identify the clients and their secure consent. The IV Insertion can never ever be done without the orders of the doctor. It does require proper identification ensuring that the procedure is done in the right manner when it comes to the patient. Initiating the IV therapy through the IV Insertion is generally an invasive procedure that needs the consent of the client.

2.  Wash your hands and prepare all the required equipment’s at the bed side. Ensure that there is asepsis and a smooth flowing when it comes to the procedure.

3.  Explaining the procedure and answering to the questions of the patient. Helps in decreasing the fear and anxiety level.

4.  Selecting an IV Site and choosing the right distal veins so that once they are damaged, the proximal part of the vein can still be used. Try and avoid the areas that bend during the process in order to prevent infiltration. Also use a non-dominant hand so that there are movements in hand. Avoid extremity with low sensation and poor integrity.

5.   Asking the patient to rest the arm of the selected vein. As this makes the veins much more visible.

6.  Putting on the gloves whenever they are required. As this again helps in maintaining asepsis.

7.  Cleaning the insertion site from starting from the middle of the site followed by the one that is going outward. This helps in reducing the transmission of the microorganism. Do make sure that you leave that specific area dry before insertion.

8.  Applying tourniquet for above 5 to 6 inches of the selected area. This then engorges the vein for an easier I.V Cannula insertion.

9.   Anchor the vein by placing the thumb over it and then stretching the skin against the direction of insertion. This again helps in stabilizing the vein and aids during iv insertion.

1.  Inserting the style catheter in an 30 degree angle, as this helps in preventing damage to the posterior wall of the vein.

11.  Checking for the flow of blood. Remember pressure from the tourniquet can cause a quick back flow of blood into the catheter.

12.  Loosen the stylet and advance catheter into the vein until its rests on the IV Site. Ensure that there is proper placement of the catheter.

Things That You Need To Document:

While dealing with the iv insertion of the cannula do make sure to document the following procedure.

1.      The date and time when the insertion of the iv cannula was done.

2.      The size and gauge of the catheter

3.      The clients untoward reaction to the procedure

4.      The type of fluid being infused along with the prescribed rates.

5.      The addictive and the contrast amount and type. 

For more information visit I.V Cannula Manufacturer.


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