6 Major Things You Should Be Aware Off Heart Attack Before You Actually Have One

Needle Free Connector

Keeping your heart healthy is one among those priorities that should be taken care of. After all this is what is keeping you live. Through our blog today we will here help you recognize the common heart attack signs and symptoms that you need to be aware of before a heart attack actually goes ahead and strikes you. Let’s have a look at them below.

Folic Acid: Folic acid is something that helps in regulating homo cysteine, which can actually damage the blood vessels and lead to blood clots. Folic acid is generally found in vegetables like spinach, broccoli, strawberries and the last but not the least oranges.

Niacin boosts up cholesterol: Niacin is generally considered to be a kind of Vitamin B that helps in increasing the cholesterol level in your body. It is believed that a good level of HDL is 60 milligrams. If the cholesterol level in your body is higher than being really very bad then trust me this will help you to avoid heart attack. Foods like olive oil, beans, soya, red wine, nuts, fatty acids etc. help you with boosting up your level of cholesterol.

Including more of omega 3 and 6 Fatty acids: These are compounds that are really very good for you as they actually help in reducing the cholesterol levels, improving the overall health. High cholesterol can easily lead you with a heart attack. So do make sure you are aware of the intake that you have been taking.

Consuming calcium regularly: Calcium helps in preventing blood clots and the insertion of Needle Free Connector, and this is a vital organism that a person needs every day. However you need to remember that vitamin D and calcium are the two things that go hand in hand. So you can here try and consume beef liver, egg yolks, dairy products, orange juice, soya milk, cereals, fatty fish etc.

Magnesium helps in lowering the blood pressure: Magnesium is something that can be easily found in the green leafy vegetables followed by bananas and nuts. So do make sure that you have these on daily basis in order to boost up your magnesium levels. Remember the more you eat the better for you and your body.

Potassium is important for your heart: Potassium actually helps in maintaining a regular heartbeat. Though this is something that is included in the different kinds of food like meat, poultry, potatoes, avocadoes, and milk. If you are just having these foods then let me tell you that it can easily help in increasing the potassium level of your body at ease.

These were just a few but there are a lot more to go. So what other things would you like to add to the blog above. How have the above mentioned turned to work out for you. Do share your experiences in the comments section given below. We will love to hear from you. 


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