Inserting A Safety IV Cannula To An Elderly

Safety IV Cannula

For most of us even today inserting a Safety IV Cannula is still a difficult process no matter what. It is even more challenging when you have to perform this on an elderly patient. Yes you have read it right. Though the veins in the elderly patients seem to be visible most of the times, they are still very fragile. The reason behind this is that the elderly people tend to experience significant kind of changes when it comes to their skin, texture, depth, integrity, making them even more prone to tears and bruising. Also the veins turn out to have peripheral resistance which in turn may turn out to render them for unsuitable cannulation. Given below are some of the major tips you need to consider while inserting the safety iv cannula into their arm.

Knowing the depth of the vein: This is generally done in order to determine how far you will be actually inserting the needle, and through which angle you will be inserting. Try and use the flat insertion angle that is approximately around 10 to 20 degrees, and is generally used in the older adults as they believe to have shallow kind of veins.

Make sure that you use the smallest catheter: Yes the IV catheter generally depends on the treatment that the patient is generally going through. But the nurses who are dealing with the entire process should also make sure that the older adults experience a huge change in their skin and are more prone enough to bruising. Also their veins are less stable and do have the risk of developing tears. Usually it is the 24 gauge that is used to complete the entire process.

Make sure that you don’t use a Tourniquet: Instead of doing this you can actually try and lower the arm of the patient or apply a warm compress before beginning with the process. In such cases when you are actually trying to use a tourniquet make sure that this is made using a soft material and then you go ahead and apply on it. Never use this on the older patients as this is something that can easily blow out the vein.

Make sure that you do not apply too much of friction: While dealing with the entire process do make sure that you are gentle avoiding tears and bruising. Have the thing kept in mind that the elderly individuals tend to have fragile veins and applying too much of friction to it can lead to a huge damage to the veins. Not just this you are even putting them at a risk of bacterial infection.

So what other advanced tips would you like to add to the blog above when it comes to the Safety IV Cannula. How have the above mentioned turned out to work for you during the insertion process of the elderly patients. Leave your comments below and we will be happy to add them to the blog above. Remember we love to hear from you. Any Information Please Visit:


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