IV Cannula Vs Safety IV cannula

Introduction An IV Cannula (Intravenous cannula) is a small plastic tube, inserted into a vein, usually in hand or arm to provide fluids when you are dehydrated, give a blood transfusion administer medications directly into your bloodstream. Some drugs work better this directly injected into our veins. These cannulas are available in various gauges (16–24 gauge), lengths (25–44 mm), compositions, and designs. IV Cannulas are used for Repeated blood sampling., IV transmission of fluid, medications, chemotherapeutic agents, nutritional support, blood/blood products, radiologic contrast agents for computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), or nuclear imaging. Need of Safety IV Cannula
Since the cannula punctures the skin, there is always a risk of infection and developing complications such as hematoma, embolism and phlebitis. Healthcare providers must take precautions to prevent the same. According to the World Health Organization, close to 80% of all hospital staff can be protected from needle stick injuries — that can cause transmission of blood-borne pathogens like HIV and Hepatitis B — with the mandatory use of Safety I.V. Cannulas. Safety Cannula Needle IV cannulas generally have standard needle designs that allow for successful venipuncture and subsequent catheter insertion. Safety cannulas often have specific needle designs that facilitate safe and controlled insertion into the patient’s skin. These needles may have engineered bevels or specialized tip designs for smoother insertion and reduced tissue trauma.
Usage Scenarios: IV cannulas are extensively used in various medical settings to establish intravenous access for the administration of fluids, medications, or blood products. They are commonly employed during surgeries, hospital stays, and outpatient treatments. Safety cannulas are commonly used in healthcare settings where there is a higher risk of needlestick injuries, such as hospitals, clinics, and emergency departments. How Does Safety IV Cannula Help? This IV Cannula is safer and easier to use than regular ones. The needle’s bevelled, back-cut design allows for a lower penetration force and is, therefore, less painful. It also features a transparent flashback chamber that confirms vein penetration. Safety IV Cannula features wings that provide additional support during insertion and an additional injection port to allow for fluids/ medicines to be instilled without interfering with current therapy.


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