An integral part of intravenous therapy, the IV cannula is inserted into the patient's hand to inject medication directly into the bloodstream or to withdraw body fluid.
The IV insertion as said above is one of the most important indispensable and hardest skill that you could actually master. And though it is not that easy as it actually seems to be the skills for this entire process can be improved with regular practice. Given below are some of the major tips that will help you deal with the insertion of IV Cannula at ease. Determining what IV Cannula Size should be used: There are various cannula sizes made available that is again measured in gauge. The higher the Gauge the smallest would be the size and the bore. The different types are Gauge 14 with orange color, Gauge 16 of Gray color, Gauge 17 white colour, gauge 18 green colour, gauge 20 pink colour, gauge 22 blue colour and the last but not the least gauge 24 yellow colour. Being confident: If this is the first time you are Inserting an IV cannula, make sure that you do not act with uncertainty in front of the patient. Even if you have not gained enough of experienc...
If you are a type of a person who is really very scared of inserting an IV cannula, let me tell you that you are definitely not the only one who is going through this process. IV Cannula is generally considered to be one of the most challenging processes that all the nurses will have to actually learn. And though it is the most common process today the nurses still have the difficulty of dealing with the entire process. One of the nurses pointed out and said that inserting an IV cannula is a number game. You will have to insert dozens of them, before you actually get the confidence and hit to the mark. No one ever likes to hurt their patients and this is something that can actually make the nurses reluctant to at least give a try. If you still have the trouble of inserting the IV cannula then does not fear. Many nurses have come across this stage before you and have used many kids of tips and tricks while inserting the IV cannula. Bringing in the warmth: ...
Advanced technologies today has provided the medical professionals with some of the medical practices that are serving as the most valuable tools of diagnosis of certain conditions and states. Some of these procedures that are provided by the medical professionals generally require administration of fluids over a short period of time, that in turn will help in increasing the pressure being extended and utilized on devices such as the IV Extension Lines. The pressure that is being produced during these procedures will increase the pressure level that is again exerted on the devices like iv extension, and this in turn will lead to rupturing of the convectional extension Lines. Failure of this iv extension during administration can lead to serious complications of the patient. Although the FDA has issued enough warnings, reminders and recommendations to help the health care facilities reducing events. Medical devices manufacturers to this have developed pressure rated vascular ...
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